

    Hello! My name is MadeOfLucy or you can just call me Lucy. You will find me live streaming over at Twitch which has been my home for the last three plus years. You may see me playing games from time to time but my channel is built around the pokemon hobby and the world of collecting the trading card game.

    We can rip open hundreds of pokemon card packs a stream in hunt for what we call a !banger. A !banger is also known as a highly sought after and popular pokemon card. If you love pokemon or even just collectables then my stream is made for you! I even started my own collectable hobby business at the start of 2021.

    When I am not streaming or running my business then I am being an overly eager accountant during the day which makes me one very busy women. I strive to get the most that I can out of life and wake up everyday wanting to achieve something and to put smiles on peoples faces.

Favourite Flavour

Blue Spark

    I have zero doubts that Blue Spark is my favourite Juicd Flavour. Always have and will be a lemonade drinker and this flavour hits me right in the feels. To me the flavour is very natural and tastes exactly like a lemonade popsicle.

    As someone who struggles waking up in the morning and usually has a busy day ahead, a shaker of Blue Spark Juicd really gets me going and my mind switched on to get a great headstart. Between streaming, running a business and working as an accountant, Juicd is the perfect product for me!